Sunday, 7 August 2011

Update on my cupboard!


Since my last post on my new project I have successfully;
- Painted all walls of my cupboard with a blue paint (I found this paint and my mum let me use it so I thought, 'why not?' at least I'll be saving money this way).
- Painted the 3 shelves and skirting board white.
- Gotten paint on my pajama trousers, boo!

All I have left to do now is;
- Hang up a rail.
- Buy a rug.
- Buy 2 wall lamps.
- Buy some plastic boxes for storage on the top shelf and maybe floor.

I have a video clip of the cupboard before I started work, and I will take a video of what it looks like now, and then make a final video on the entire transformation!

I'm having so much fun doing this, and it's even better knowing that I've done all of it by myself!

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