Monday, 1 August 2011

My New Hair Food!


I love it when I have a breakthrough with products I use on my hair, finding the perfect product to tame your tresses is very rewarding. Forget the days of stepping outside and BAM your once sleek head turns into a frizzy mop. No more styling your hair around the weather or always styling it one way to keep it controlled.

Last year I discovered a tub of Henara Treatment Wax in my downstairs cupboard, I asked my mum what it did and she told me it was a hair mask and that I could try some if I wanted. So that afternoon when I'd shampooed my hair I applied it all over. 30 minutes later I washed it out with water and let my hair air dry as per usual. The next morning I went off to school normally but by the time I'd gotten home my hair was a completely knotted and tangled mess, and extremely greasy (which is unusual for my hair). From that day I vowed to never use it again!

However, last Friday I was in the middle of washing my hair when I noticed it and I thought I'd give it a try again. So I did the same procedure, leaving it in for 30 minutes, it's extremely thick btw, almost like a paste. However when it came to washing it out I used shampoo and water (the specific Shampoo was Herbal Essences Clarifying Shampoo), just to make sure there wasn't any left. After crossing my fingers I let my hair dry and plaited it. The next morning I woke up and my hair was how it usual is before I step outside (defined and not frizzy). My mum asked me to go to the shops so I did and I noticed when I got back that my hair hadn't frizzed up, taking into account it was a heavy hot and slightly humid day. I was pretty impressed and even when I went out in the late afternoon it stayed perfect. It's now Monday and my hair is still unfrizzy and defined!

This hair mask is definitely going on my hair product list!
You can get it online on eBay and Amazon (if you're from the US there are a few sellers who do sell the product.) The Henara brand also do shampoos specially for different hair colours and also a shine spray!


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